Welcome to the Electric Vehicle Charge Cord Licence Application.
Through this program, people in Victoria, including renters, will be able to get a licence to safely run a charging cord across the sidewalk to charge their EV on the street.
For information about Electric Vehicle Street Charging Program, including eligibility conditions, visit the EV Charging & Parking page on the City of Victoria’s website and read the complete Licence Agreement.
Your understanding and confirmation of each element of this application is important to ensure safe electric vehicle charging for yourself and others using the sidewalk where your electric vehicle's charging cord crosses. Please read and confirm that you understand each part of this application to obtain your licence.
Once the application is completed, an application number will be issued to the applicant where it can be viewed with all folders held by the account holder in their MyCity profile. A MyCity account is required to complete this submission.
Note: your application for a Licence has not been approved unless you complete this application process and receive a Licence from the City of Victoria.
Thank you for helping the City of Victoria meet our climate goals by driving an electric vehicle instead of a gas-powered vehicle.
By proceeding with this application, you confirm that you have read and understood the terms and conditions outlined above.